Example snapshot: Publons/Web of Science (WoS) Scientific Publications transcript:
[Oct. 2019: 2914 citations; averaging: 117/year, ~46/article; h-ind. 32; *6 papers >100 citations]
(+2 minor errata re: authorship errors), ResearcherID C-5892-2013

67. Allen, J.F., Nield, J., Krauß, N. (2019) Molecular Recognition: How Photosynthesis Anchors the Mobile Antenna. Trends in Plant Science. Volume 24, Issue 5, May 2019, Pages 388-392. (1 citation)
DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2019.03.003

66. Bode, D.C., Freely, M., Nield, J., Palma, M., Viles, J.H. (2019) Amyloid-β oligomers have a profound detergent-like effect on lipid membrane bilayers, imaged by atomic force and electron microscopy. J. Biol. Chem. 294(19), pp. 7566-7572. (3 citations)
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1074/JBC.AC118.007195

65. Bode, D.C., Stanyon, H.F., Hirani, T., Baker, M.D., Nield, J., Viles, J.H. (2018) Serum Albumin's Protective Inhibition of Amyloid-β Fibre Formation Is Suppressed by Cholesterol, Fatty Acids and Warfarin. J Mol Biol. 430(7):919-934. (2 citations)
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.JMB.2018.01.008

64. Ibrahim, I.M., Wang, L., Puthiyaveetil, S., Krauß, N., Nield, J., Allen, J.F. (2018) Oligomeric States In Sodium Ion-Dependent Regulation Of Cyanobacterial Histidine Kinase-2. Protoplasma 255(3): 937-952. (2 citations)
DOI:10.1007/s00709-017-1196-7 [http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/05/19/140145. 19th May 2017, DOI:10.1101/140145]

63. Allen, J.F. & Nield, J. (2017) Redox Tuning in Photosystem II.
Trends in Plant Science. Volume 22, Issue 2, 1 February 2017, Pages 97-99. (2 citations)
DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2016.11.011

62. Nishimura T., Nagao R., Noguchi T., Nield J., Sato F., Ifuku K. (2016) The N-terminal sequence of the extrinsic PsbP protein modulates the redox potential of Cyt b559 in photosystem II. Scientific Reports. Volume 6, 18 February 2016, Article number 21490. (12 citations)
DOI: 10.1038/srep21490

61. Albanese P., Nield J., Tabares J.A.M., Chiodoni A., Manfredi M., Gosetti F., Marengo E., Saracco G., Barber J. & Pagliano C. (2016) Isolation of novel PSII-LHCII megacomplexes from pea plants characterized by a combination of proteomics and electron microscopy. Photosynthesis Research, 130 (1-3), pp. 19-31. (13 citations)
DOI: 10.1007/s11120-016-0216-3

60. Ido K., Nield J., Fukao Y., Nishimura T., Sato F. & Ifuku K. (2014) Cross-linking evidence for multiple interactions of the PsbP and PsbQ proteins in a higher plant photosystem II supercomplex. J. Biol. Chem. 289(29), 41838:20150-20157. (29 citations)
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M114.574822

59. Pagliano C., Nield J., Marsano F., Pape T., Barera S., Saracco G. & Barber J. (2014) Proteomic characterization and three-dimensional electron microscopy study of PSII-LHCII supercomplexes from higher plants. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1837(9):1454-1462. Epub 2013 Nov 16. (25 citations)
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbabio.2013.11.004

58. Missirlis F., Gutiérrez L., Zubow K., Nield J., Lázaro F.J. & (2013) Overexpressed Drosophila ferritin alters iron, zinc and manganese homeostasis. American Journal of Hematology. 88(5):21.

57. Gutiérrez L., Zubow K., Nield J., Gambis A., Mollereau B., Lázaro F.J. & Missirlis F. (2013) Biophysical and genetic analysis of iron partitioning and ferritin function in Drosophila melanogaster. Metallomics. 5(8):997-1005. DOI: 10.1039/c3mt00118k. (23 citations)

56. Boehm M., Yu J., Krynicka V., Barker M., Tichy M., Komenda J., Nixon P.J. & Nield J. (2012) Subunit localisation of a hetero-oligomeric thylakoid FtsH complex involved in photosystem II repair.
The Plant Cell. 24(9):3669-3683. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.100891. Epub 2012 Sep 18. (28 citations)

*55. Allen J.F., de Paula W.B.M., Puthiyaveetil S. & Nield J. (2011) A structural phylogenetic map for chloroplast photosynthesis. Trends in Plant Science. 16:644-655. (100 citations)

54. Busch A., Nield J. &Hippler M. (2010) The composition and structure of photosystem I-associated antenna from Cyanidioschyzon merolae. The Plant Journal. 62:886-97.(27 citations)

53. Nield J., Moriya M. & Ochiai M. (2010). Calmodulin binding-heat shock proteins form a ring structure in the rat testis. Mol. Reprod. & Dev. 77(9):738.

52. Tanabe M., Szakonyi G., Brown K.A., Henderson P.J., Nield J. & Byrne B. (2009) The multidrug resistance efflux complex EmrAB from Escherichia coli forms a dimer in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 380:338-342 (32 citations)

51. Boehm M., Nield J., Zhang P., Aro E.M., Komenda J. & Nixon P.J. (2009) Structural and mutational analysis of band 7 proteins in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Journal of Bacteriology. 191:6425-6435. (31 citations)

50. Ozawa S., Nield J., Terao A., Stauber E.J., Hippler M., Koike H., Rochaix J.D. & Takahashi Y. (2009) Biochemical and Structural Studies of the Large Ycf4-Photosystem I Assembly Complex of the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The Plant Cell. 21:2424-2442. (54 citations)

49. Kirchhoff H., Lenhert S., Büchel B., Chi L. & Nield J. (2008) Probing the organization of photosystem II in photosynthetic membranes by atomic force microscopy. Biochemistry. 47:431-440. (59 citations)

48. Murray J.W., Benson S., Nield J. & Barber J. (2008) The Structure of Allophycocyanin from Gloebacter Violaceus. DOI: 10.2210/pdb2vjh/pdb

47. Romanowska E., Kargul J., Powikrowska M., Finazzi G., Nield J., Drozak A. & Pokorska B. (2008) Structural organization of photosynthetic apparatus in agranal chloroplasts of maize. J. Biol. Chem. 283:26037-26046. (22 citations)
46. Erratum: Romanowska E., Kargul J., Powikrowska M., Finazzi G., Nield J., Drozak A. & Pokorska B. (additional corresponding author added) J. Biol. Chem. 283:36060.

45. Rohou A., Nield J. & Ushkaryov Y.A. (2007) Insecticidal toxins from black widow spider toxin. Toxicon 49:531-549. (45 citations)

44. Cullen M., Ozawa S., Takahashi Y. & Nield J. (2007) Probing the structure of a Ycf4-containing protein complex involved in Photosystem I assembly. Photosynthesis Research 91:207.

43. Nield J., Boehm M., Yu J., Barker M., Nixon P.J. & Nield J. (2007) Structural analysis of the FtsH2 homologue of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Photosynthesis Research 91:207-208.

42. Cullen M., Ray N., Husain S., Nugent J., Nield J. & Purton S. (2007) A highly active histidine-tagged Chlamydomonas reinhardtii photosystem II preparation for structural and biophysical analysis. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 6:1177-1183. (9 citations)

41. Nield J. & Barber J. (2006) Refinement of the structural model for the Photosystem II supercomplex of higher plants. BBA-Bioenergetics 1757:353-361. (97 citations)

40. Barker M., de Vries R., Nield J., Komenda J. & Nixon P.J. (2006) The Deg Proteases protect Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 during head and light stresses, but are not essential for removal of damaged D1 protein during the photosystem II repair cycle. J. Biol. Chem. 281:30347-30355 (46 citations)

39. Chen M., Bibby T.S., Nield J., Larkum A.W.D. & Barber J. (2005) Structure of a large photosystem II supercomplex from Acaryochloris marina. FEBS Lett. 579:1306-1310 (43 citations)

38. Chen M., Bibby T.S., Nield J., Larkum A.W.D. & Barber J. (2005) Iron deficiency induces a chlorophyll d-binding Pcb antenna system around photosystem I in Acaryochloris marina. BBA 1708: 367-374. (29 citations)

37. Kargul J., Turkina M., Nield J., Benson S., Vener A. & Barber J. (2005) Light-harvesting complex II protein CP29 binds to photosystem I of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under State 2 conditions. FEBS J. 272:4797-4806 (92 citations)

36. Nield J. & Nixon P. (2005) Jim Barber. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 4(12): pp928-929. Front Cover.

35. Hankamer B., Elderkin S.L., Buck M. & Nield J. (2004) Organisation of the AAA+ adaptor protein PspA: an oligomeric ring. J. Biol. Chem. 279:8862-8866. 10.1074/jbc.M307889200. (58 citations)

34. Nield J., Redding K. & Hippler M. (2004) Remodeling of light harvesting protein complexes in Chlamydomonas in response to environmental changes. Eukaryotic Cell 3:1370-1380 (39 citations)

33. Nield J., Rizkallah P., Barber J. & Chayen N. (2003) The 1.45 Å three-dimensional structure of C-phycocyanin from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. J. Struct. Biol. 141:149-155. Front Cover. (49 citations)

32. Nield J., Morris E.P., Bibby T. & Barber J. (2003) Structural analysis of the photosystem I supercomplex of cyanobacteria induced by iron deficiency. Biochemistry 42: 3180-3188. (46 citations)

31. Kargul J., Nield J. & Barber J. (2003) 3D reconstruction of a PSI-LHCI supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: insights into light harvesting for PSI. J. Biol. Chem. 278:16135-16141. Front Cover. (97 citations)

30. Bibby T.S., Nield J., Chen M., Larkum A.W.D. & Barber J. (2003) Structure of a photosystem II supercomplex isolated from Prochloron didemni retaining its chlorophyll a/b light harvesting system. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:9050-9054. (62 citations)

*29. Bibby T.S., Mary I., Nield J., Partensky F. & Barber J. (2003) Low-light-adapted Prochlorococcus species possess specific antennae for each photosystem.
Nature 424:1051-1054. (105 citations)

28. Nield J., Balsera M., De Las Rivas J. & Barber J. (2002) 3D cryo-EM study of the extrinsic domains of the oxygen evolving complex of spinach: Assignment of the PsbO protein. J. Biol. Chem. 277:15006-15012. (47 citations)
27. Erratum: 277: 23972 (28.6.02) for Figures 2 & 4 (as were reproduced by journal too dark) (1 citation)

26. Barber J. & Nield J. (2002) Organization of transmembrane helices in photosystem II: comparison of plants and cyanobacteria. Phil. Trans. R. Lond. Soc. B. 357:1329-1336. (17 citations)

25. Ruprecht J. & Nield J. (2001) Determining the structure of biological macromolecules by transmission electron microscopy, single particle analysis and 3D reconstruction. Progress in Molecular Biology and Biophysics 75:121-164. (58 citations)

24. Duncan J., Nield J. & Barber J. (2001) Structural characterisation of the photosystem two reaction centre from Synechococcus elongatus using electron microscopy and single particle analysis. Science Access 3(1) DOI: 10.1071/sa0403143

*23. Bibby T., Nield J. & Barber J. (2001) Iron deficiency induces the formation of an antenna ring around trimeric Photosystem I in cyanobacteria. Nature 412:743-745 (251 citations)

22. Hankamer B., Morris E., Nield J., Carne A. & Barber J. (2001) Subunit positioning and transmembrane helix organisation in the core dimer of photosystem two. FEBS Letts. 504:142-151. (63 citations)

21. Bibby T.S., Nield J. & Barber J. (2001) Antenna ring around photosystem I. Nature 413:590. (76 citations)

20. Bibby T.S., Nield J. & Barber J. (2001) Three-dimensional model and characterisation of the iron-stress-induced CP43'-Photosystem I supercomplex isolated from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803. J. Biol. Chem. 276:43246-43252. (59 citations)

19. Hankamer B., Morris E., Nield J., Gerle C. & Barber J. (2001) Three-dimensional structure of the photosystem II core dimer of higher plants determined by electron microscopy. J. Struct Biol. 135:262-269. (73 citations)

18. Nield J., Kruse O., Ruprecht J., da Fonseca P., Büchel C. and Barber J. (2000) 3D maps of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Synechococcus elongatus Photosystem II complexes allow for comparison of their OEC organisation. J. Biol. Chem. 275:27940-27946. (93 citations)

17. Nield J., Funk C. & Barber J. (2000) Supermolecular Structure of Photosystem Two and Location of the PsbS Protein. Phil. Trans. R. Lond. Soc. B. 355:1337-1344. (60 citations)

*16. Nield J., Orlova E.V., Morris E.P., Gowen B., van Heel M. and Barber J. (2000) 3D map of the plant photosystem two supercomplex obtained by cryoelectron microscopy and single particle analysis. Nature Structure Biology, Jan 2000, 7:44-47. (160 citations)

15. Schilstra M.J., Nield J., Dörner W., Hankamer B., Carradus M., Barter L.M.C., Barber J. and Klug D.J. (1999) PSII-LHCII super complexes exhibit BBY-like donor side properties. Photosynthesis Research 60:191-198. (6 citations)

14. Barber J., Nield J., Morris E.P. and Hankamer B. (1999) Subunit positioning in photosystem two revisited. Trends in Biol. Sciences 24 no.2:43-45. (50 citations)

13. Boekema E.J., Nield J., Hankamer B. and Barber J. (1998) The localisation of the 23 kDa subunit of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II by electron microscopy. Eur. J. Biochem. 252:268-276. (55 citations)

12. Barber J., Rhee K.H., Morris E., Hankamer B., Nield J., Boekema E. & Kühlbrandt W. (1998) Towards the elucidation of photosystem II at high resolution. Biophysical J. Abstracts. 74:2 pt.2 p.A328. (1 citation)

11. Catucci L., Dörner W., Nield J., Hankamer B., Vass I. & Barber J. (1998) Isolation and characterisation of photosystem II core complexes from spinach in the presence of glycine betaine. Photosynthesis: Mechanism and Effects, 2:973-976. (7 citations)

10. Nield J., Orlova E., Hankamer B., Dörner W., Barber J. & van Heel M. (1998) Three-dimensional structure of the spinach photosystem II core complex. Electron Microscopy, 1998 4:619-620.

9. Nield J. (1997) Structural Characterisation of Photosystem II, University of London, UK. (3 citations)

*8. Barber J., Nield J., Morris E.P., Zheleva D. and Hankamer B. (1997) The structure, function and dynamics of photosystem two.
Physiol. Plantarum. 100:817-827. (100 citations)

*7. Hankamer B., Nield J., Zheleva D., Boekema E.J., Jansson S. and Barber J. (1997) Isolation and biochemical characterisation of monomeric and dimeric PSII complexes from spinach and their relevance to the organisation of photosystem II. Eur. J. Biochem. 243:422-429. (179 citations)

6. Boekema E.J., Nield J., Hankamer B. & Barber J. (1996) Localization of the oxygen evolving complex of Photosystem II by electron microscopy. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. P-E1-20.

5. Nield J., Hankamer B., Zheleva D., Hodges M.L., Boekema E.J. & Barber J. (1995) Biochemical characterisation of LHCII-PSII complexes associated with and lacking the 33kD subunit. Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, 3:361-364.

4. Boekema E.J., Hankamer B., Nield J. & Barber J. (1995) Photosystem II structure investigated by electron microscopy and single-particle averaging. Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, 3:229-232.

3. Kruip J., Bald D., Hankamer B., Nield J., Boonstra A.F., Barber J., Boekema E.J. & Rögner M. (1995) Localisation of subunits in PSI, PSII and in a PS2/Light-harvesting-supercomplex. Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, 3:405-408.

2. Boekema E.J., Boonstra A.F., Hankamer B., Nield J., Barber J., Bald D., Kruip J. & Rögner M. (1995) Photosystem II structure investigated by TEM and A-periodic averaging. Electron microscopy 1994, 3:223-224

*1. Boekema E.J., Hankamer B., Bald D., Kruip J., Nield J., Boonstra A.F., Barber J. and Rögner M. (1995) Supramolecular structure of the photosystem II complex from green plants and cyanobacteria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:175-179. (280 citations)