39. Regulation and Environmental Adaptation of Photosynthesis, IPR, Osaka University, Japan. 24 Oct. 2014.

38. PS16 International Congress on Photosynthesis, St. Louis, USA. 10-17 Aug. 2013.

ICTPPO 2011 on Phytochrome, Berlin, Germany. 24-26 July 2011.

36. Chlamydomonas 2008, Hyeres, France. 27-31 May 2008.

35. NanoVision Centre launch, Queen Mary, University of London, UK. 9 Jan. 2008. Speaker.

34. Co-organiser - Biochemical Society Christmas Photosynthesis meeting held at Queen Mary, University of London, 19 December 2007 - 99 delegates.

33. Royal Society Discussion Meeting ‘Photosynthesis & Atmospheric Evolution ’, UK. 12-13 Nov. 2007.

32. ESP 2007, 12th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Bath, UK. 1-6 Sept. 2007. Talk.

31. Photosynthesis 2007 (PS07), Glasgow, UK. 22-27 July 2007. (5x posters)

30. Co-ordinator - PS07 Satellite meeting 'Solar Energy & Artificial Photosynthesis' held at The Royal Society, 17-19 July 2007 - 350 delegates.

29. Royal Society Discussion Meeting ‘How plants use sunlight to split water’, UK. 23-24 April 2007.

28. ICEM 16 (International Congress for Electron Microscopy), Sapporo, Japan. 3-8 Sept. 2006.

27. Intl. Union of Biochem. & Mol. Biol. Congress (IUBMB) 20, Kyoto, Japan. 18-23 June 2006.
***poster prize nomination

26. Energy Conversion in the Origins & Evolution of Cells, Queen Mary, London. 13 April 2005.

25. British Crystallographic Assoc. Biological Structures (hon. David Blow), London, UK. 17 Dec. 2004.

24. Photosynthesis 2004 & satellite, Montréal, Canada. 26-4 Sept. 2004. Talk. (6x posters)

Chlamydomonas 2004, Kobe, Japan, 11-15 May 2004. Talk.

22. Nexus Structural Biology meeting, Imperial College, London, 3 Mar. 2004. Talk.

21. Molecular Machines and Mechanisms, London, UK. 7 Nov. 2003.

20. Novartis Discussion Meeting on Comparative Functional Genomics, London, UK. 28 Jun. 2002.

19. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Comparative Functional Genomics, London, UK. 26-27 Jun. 2002

Chlamydomonas 2002, UBC Vancouver, Canada, 11-16 Jun. 2002. (2x posters)

17. Novartis Discussion Meeting on Photosystem II, London, UK. 15 Mar. 2002. Talk.

16. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Photosystem II, London, UK. 13-14 Mar. 2002.

15. British Crystallographic Assoc. Winter Biological Structures, London, UK. 17 Dec. 2001.

14. UK Christmas Photosynthesis Meeting, Imperial College London, UK. 27 Nov. 2001.

13. XII th International Photosynthesis Congress, Brisbane, Australia. 18-25 Aug. 2001. (3x posters)

12. Novartis Discussion Meeting on Colloidal Behaviour, London, UK. 25-27 Nov. 2000.

Chlamydomonas 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 21-26 May 2000 (***Awarded prize and talk)

10. UK Christmas Photosynthesis Meeting, Imperial College, London. 17 Dec. 1999.

9. UK Plastid Preview 1999, University College, London. 9 Sept. 1999. 8. Cryo-microscopy Group Meeting, Birkbeck College, London. 18 Nov. 1998.

7. ICEM 14 (International Congress for Electron Microscopy), Cancun, Mexico. 1-5 Sept. 1998.

6. Group Demonstrator, European Science Foundation Course, London. 1-10 Jul. 1997.

5. Gordon Conference on 3D image processing, Henniker, NH, USA. 22-26 Jun. 1997.

4. Global Photosynthesis Conference, Imperial College, London. 28-29 Mar. 1996.

3. Xth International Photosynthesis Congress, Montpellier, France. 20-25 Aug. 1995.

2. Harden Conference, Imperial College, London. 21-22 Dec. 1993.

1. British Photobiology Society Meeting, University of East London. 17 Dec. 1992.