Images of photosynthetic complexes (see also: The Gallery)

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I have designed many images since 1996 to facilitate teaching and public awareness.

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Updated images (2012)

Cartoon model: structures of the protein complexes involved in the Z-scheme of photosynthesis

Larger versions:
Photosystem II
Cytochrome b6f
Photosystem I
ATP synthase

A number of key PDB files ( should also be investigated by anyone interested in photosystem reaction centre structures.

3ARC.pdb (Umena et al., 2011) for PSII
1Q90.pdb (Stroebel et al., 2003) for Cytochrome b6f
1JB0.pdb (Jordan et al., 2001) for PSI
2o01.pdb (Amunts et al., 2007) for LHCI-PSI
1Qo1.pdb for ATP synthase (Walker & co-workers).

Please use programs such as UCSF Chimera, Swiss PDB viewer or PyMol to enjoy them.

Photosystem II: Reference: Nield, J. (1997) Ph.D. Thesis, © University of London, UK. (Images are ~50-200k; 800+pixels wide)
1. Schematic diagram of the PSII reaction centre redox components
2. The S-state cycle for the oxygen-evolving reactions of PSII
3. Schematic model of the protein subunits associated with higher plant PSII (2007)
4. Predicted membrane folding pattern of the spinach D1 protein
5. Predicted membrane folding pattern of the spinach D2 protein
6. Cytochrome b559 structure model
7. Predicted membrane folding pattern of the spinach CP47 protein
8. Predicted membrane folding pattern of the spinach CP43 protein