Independent Principal Research Fellow
Jon Nield, Ph.D.

Local equipment previously used in researching photosynthetic complexes:
- for structural studies Instrumentation (JEOL 1230 / JEOL 2010 / JEOL JEM 2100plus TEMs) used to digitally record image data via CCD prior to single particle image processing across a wide range of local and collaborative projects.
Pre-2007, data for single particle image averaging projects were gained through the use of FEI (Philips) CM100 (100 keV), Tecnai T12 (120 keV) or CM200 (200 keV) FEG (Field Emission Gun; liquid Nitrogen-cooled) transmission electron microscopes.

A Linux cluster for the group, upgraded and reconfigured 2014-2015 (160-CPU, 336 Gb RAM, GPGPUs) for local image-processing + HEDT workstations, Threadripper/GTX systems.
I was a co-PI member of the LonCEM community.

- for investigating biochemical function Absorption spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, HPLC (size exclusion and reverse-phase), FPLC, gas chromatography, gel densitometry, oxygen electrodes, fluorescence induction and relaxation, crystallisation, plant/ bacterial growth greenhouses/culturing, autoclaves, several centrifuges (+ultras).

Lab Alumni, to 2020:
Dr Karim Maghlaoui
Dr Liang Wang
Dr Ray Burton-Smith
Dr Kristina Zubow
Mr Matt Cullen
Mme Clemence Granier
Mr Boaz Odier
Dr (Ms) Jawon Song
Dr William Lee
Ms Vin Luang
Mr Wilfred Wu
Dr Dorothy Cheng
Ms Sali Liu
Ms Candy Xu
Ms Connie Zhang
Dr Yuan-Tsan Tseng
Dr Ben King
Sven Nottebaum
Ms Lu Pan
Mr Laurence Darby
Jonathan Ruprecht